Know Your Needs: Core

Essential training


Kyn Core training empowers delegates with the tools and understanding to promote wellbeing and to prevent mental ill-health. Using a practical framework, we can avoid poor mental health and support each other to thrive.



Learning points

  • 12 needs, 8 resources model of mental health

  • A framework for whole-life stress management

  • Transform stigma around mental health

  • The importance of emotional intelligence

  • Understand resilience to challenges

  • Measure emotional needs satisfaction


When an organism’s needs are met, it becomes resilient in the face of challenges and is more likely to thrive. This is a fact of nature and is fundamentally true for human beings.

During this interactive workshop, delegates explore the 12 emotional needs and 8 innate resources developed through billions of years of life. With this understanding, delegates can focus their resources on strong choices to build a culture that meets needs for thriving.

Through this foundational understanding, all behaviour can be better understood

Thanks to the latest breakthroughs in evolutionary neurobiology and psychology, delegates will learn why unmet needs generate emotions that drive unhelpful behaviours. Armed with common-sense emotional intelligence, delegates will be empowered to find rewarding options, no matter how challenging their circumstances.